Angel Stone Bracelet


The Angel Stone Bracelet comprised of stone beads spaced evenly with decorative embellishment beads. We love to stack these with other bracelets to really bring it all together.

6.5 - 7 Inch Circumference


Angelite, also known as Anhydrite or Angel Stone, is a soft ice blue stone that can vary in light purple and blue hues with occasional flecks of white, brown or rust colors throughout.


Angelite is thought by many to help balance out thyroid levels, while nourishing your body with health and wellness to your entire system. It is also believed to help with renewing blood vessels and keeping your heart in top shape! It may aid in the help of weight loss, headaches and helping the body ward off different diseases. Angelite is also believed to help clear your mind of anxiety, anger, resentment or any other strong emotions that can turn toxic within your system. Consider this a great stone to help clear out negative energy and help you focus on your best life full of intention and higher purpose!